Connectomics Explained in Six Questions: Second Post, Questions 3-4
By MW Pleijzier The previous post in this series introduced the field of connectomics and how it reflects the holistic approaches used by other subfields of biology. Connectomics details the architecture of information flow within highly connected brain networks, enabling neuroscientists to paint a picture of how these complex systems […]
Following your nose (Part 2)
By K Meechan This is the final part of a 2-part post: part 1 gave a brief introduction to the first two layers of the fly olfactory system (ORNs and PNs). Part 2 moves on to look at higher order processing. While we know a lot about the first layers […]
Following your nose
By K Meechan When you stop and think about it, our sense of smell is actually very impressive. We can identify a vast array of odours: say, a burning bonfire, freshly cut grass, or that distinctive smell of milk that has been in your fridge for far too long. Each […]
Connectomics Explained in Six Questions: First Post, Questions 1-2
By MW Pleijzier We are in the –omics era of biological science. This simple suffix denotes how modern science is transcending reductionist, single entity analyses (such as examining a particular gene or protein) and instead investigating biological systems from a holistic perspective. Be they gene or protein networks, cells, tissues […]