Month: <span>August 2020</span>

Hey DAN, why you gotta be so different?

Hey DAN, why you gotta be so different?

by Georgia Dempsey To find food and avoid danger in changing environments, animals benefit from learning to associate certain cues, such as odours, with pleasant or unpleasant experiences. Memories can be of positive or negative valence, reinforced by either rewarding or punitive stimuli. For example, the work of Pavlov demonstrated […]

Sniffing out the way to go down the line

Sniffing out the way to go down the line

by Nik Drummond and Alex Javier How can animals detect a stimulus and know how to act towards it? How do they integrate what they have learned in their lifetime with what their evolutionary history has ‘taught’ them about said stimulus? From insects to mammals, the circuits that encode information […]